While continuously adding weight for each round, perform 7 sequences of:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push-press
1 Back Squat
1 Push-press
Dropping the weight during the round does not count as a completed round.
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Basic Kettlebell Swing, Part II, Jeff Martone...[wmv]
Church of CrossFit? How righteous :)
I love the "Bear Complex." CrossFit Bolton is lucky today.
Hey Jeanette,
I moved into my new unit Tuesday. The previous owners left the place fairly clean except for that picture. They almost certainly left it behind since they were afraid to chuck it in the trash. I was about to pitch it when a friend warned me not to for the reason that I might get struck by lightning. He took it from me and hung it up. So there it is. I might put a slogan beside it. I've had a few suggestions already, such as: "Abandon hope all ye who enter here", “If you’re going through Hell, keep going” and "Say your prayers before entering".
You're hilarious! Good luck in your new place buddy, I'll have to come check it out. Are you having any sort of grand opening?
Hah! So many clever slogans to choose from. How will you decide? I dare you to risk God's wrath and just chuck it. You're not really afraid of a little lightning, are you? You can put up another sign in it's place that says "Baby Jesus was here."
Congratulations on the new space! Very cool.
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