Mike Burgener Teaches Pat the Snatch Ia (CFJ Preview)...[wmv] Mike Burgener Teaches Pat the Snatch Ib (CFJ Preview)...[wmv] Mike Burgener Teaches Pat the Snatch II (CFJ Preview)[wmv]
WOD for me: 10 Deads @ 225
50 Box Jumps @ 16''
8 Deads @ 225
40 Box Jumps @ 16''
6 Deads @ 225
30 Box Jumps @ 16''
4 Deads @ 225
20 Box Jumps @ 16''
2 Deads @ 225
10 Box Jumps @ 16''
Time 7:10. Actually a pretty fun workout. Nice picture Smith, what is that a couple of 10lb plates and a broomstick??? Looks like you are struggling with it to. Wimp!
WOD for me:
10 Deads @ 225
50 Box Jumps @ 16''
8 Deads @ 225
40 Box Jumps @ 16''
6 Deads @ 225
30 Box Jumps @ 16''
4 Deads @ 225
20 Box Jumps @ 16''
2 Deads @ 225
10 Box Jumps @ 16''
Time 7:10. Actually a pretty fun workout.
Nice picture Smith, what is that a couple of 10lb plates and a broomstick??? Looks like you are struggling with it to. Wimp!
Again, the feeling, OUCH. One day when I stop drinking I'll come and get ya.
Ogger you should come up and go head to head with Dave on something... maybe the "Sissy Test" ???
See 080504
Oggers already won the sissy test hands down the first time I saw him.
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