25 Sumo deadlift high pull, 95 pounds
5 Push jerks, 135 pounds
20 Sumo deadlift high pull, 95 pounds
4 Push jerks, 135 pounds
15 Sumo deadlift high pull, 95 pounds
3 Push jerks, 135 pounds
10 Sumo deadlift high pull, 95 pounds
2 Push jerks, 135 pounds
5 Sumo deadlift high pull, 95 pounds
1 Push jerks, 135 pounds
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Candace Hamilton vs Tamara Holmes, CrossFit Oakland - video [wmv]
wow, those girls were repping out 145 in a wod, thats my max!
Oh my God, do you actually have babes at your gym doing this wod with the rx'd 135#? That's pretty cool.
Heather... I know its fucking insane. I don't know my max. I can do 135 ok. I want to try this wod tomorrow. 145 is my max push press so I hope my Jerk will hold out for the 15 reps. one at a time..
wod today - Karen 10 ft target 9:30
then 5 rounds - 30 ghd sit-ups
- 25 back extensions
- 12:14 a PR by over a minute, but man I got a headache.
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