*Row for 1 minute as many meters as you can, rest one minute.
*Continue this cycle for a total of 20 minutes.
*Your score is the total amount of meters rowed - goal is row at least 3000 meters
*Penalty is 1 burpee pull up for every 5 meters under 3000 meters.
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"Extra Carbs after Exercise?" with Dr. Michael Ray - video ... [wmv]
WOD Results:
Power Clean 100 reps for time:
Sean (185 lbs.) 21:14
Dino (155 lbs.) 20:46
Steve (135 lbs.) 20:48
Brian (115 lbs.) 19:03
Joe B (115 lbs.) 20:59
Sara (70 lbs.) 18:40
Lia (70 lbs.) 30:00
Sonia (55 lbs.) 25:38
Joanne (55 lbs.) 26:03
I remember this workout. I still feel the pain.
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