30 Box Jumps, 24" box
5 Ring Push-ups
25 Box Jumps, 24" box
10 Ring Push-ups
20 Box Jumps, 24" box
15 Ring Push-ups
15 Box Jumps, 24" box
20 Ring Push-ups
10 Box Jumps, 24" box
25 Ring Push-ups
5 Box Jumps, 24" box
30 Ring Push-ups
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Laurie Galassi and Dave Leys - 9 Mar 10 WOD [wmv]
18:35 - i know - slow for sure! but good to try the ring pushups. and the 400m run around the building holding a 25lb plate was interesting!! especially when the guy with the beer gut told us that 'we needed to get a life'. haaaaaaaaa ! great job everybody! and get a life!
that fat f#@k uttered something to me too, but i just stopped kicked him, and still made it around the building in a descent time. cn't wait for the next go around
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