Woah! Look at the muscles on this guy! He's probably doing his 2596th push up ;)
looks to me like he's lying on the ground crying like a school girl! hehe
Now that you mention it...
31:28 The back extensions screw up the rest of the workout. Beware
The workout looks kinda sick...please tell me that's not what we're doing on Wednesday...
oh ya! did it wednesday - wicked! great job everybody! thanks alex!
It would be good if this site allowed us to post pics. I took a picture of the board yesterday. I'd post the pic with the results...if I could.My time was 33:04. Luca was 24:50..What the hell man!He finished the double under unders several minutes before everyone else...good job Luca.
wow! 24:50 - that's insane! i was 32:28. took me almost 10 min to do the dbl unders! ack!
I wish everyone would use their first name so we can all know who is posting. Mine is kinda tacky, but at least we know who the poster is :)How else am I supposed to know who is making fun of me...
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Woah! Look at the muscles on this guy! He's probably doing his 2596th push up ;)
looks to me like he's lying on the ground crying like a school girl! hehe
Now that you mention it...
31:28 The back extensions screw up the rest of the workout. Beware
The workout looks kinda sick...please tell me that's not what we're doing on Wednesday...
oh ya! did it wednesday - wicked! great job everybody! thanks alex!
It would be good if this site allowed us to post pics. I took a picture of the board yesterday. I'd post the pic with the results...if I could.
My time was 33:04. Luca was 24:50..What the hell man!
He finished the double under unders several minutes before everyone else...good job Luca.
wow! 24:50 - that's insane! i was 32:28. took me almost 10 min to do the dbl unders! ack!
I wish everyone would use their first name so we can all know who is posting. Mine is kinda tacky, but at least we know who the poster is :)
How else am I supposed to know who is making fun of me...
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