At the beginning of every minute perform 5 burpees, for the rest of the minute perform as many 135 pound Clean and Jerks as you can during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 burpees and then max rep Clean and Jerks and so on until you reach 20 minutes.
Post the total number of Clean and Jerks to comments.
"Two-Minute Drills Part 5: Internal Rotation" with Kelly Starrett, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv]
Okay, Adam conjured up this workout "12 Days of Christmas" for us to do to "earn" our turkey...and boy did we ever! We did this workout just like the song is sung. After you've done the first on the list, you went on to the second, then back to the first, etc until you've reached 12 wall balls and work your way back to 1 deadlift...GREAT workout!
1 Deadlift @ 195 lbs
2 Ball Slams with 14 lbs med ball
3 Ring dips
4 Pull-ups
5 K2E
6 Box Jumps
7 Power Clean and Jerk @ 65 lbs
8 KB Swings with 1.5 pood
9 Double Unders
10 Burpees
11 Sit-Ups
12 Wall Balls
Agreed IS a great workout.
I did mens prescribed, so only differences are:
1 Deadlift @ 275
6 Box jumps on 24inch box
7 Power Clean and Jerk @95 lbs
8 KB Swing with 2 Pood
I have to applaud Adam though, he started the workout by doing ring dips on the high rings so he had to do a muscle up before he could do his dips. He also used the same high rings for pull ups and K2E's. I'm not sure what round he got to when he eventually moved the less impressive rings, next to me :) Still very impressive Adam...oh AND he still beat my time!
I don't know what kind of beef you guys are eating, but I'm sure its full of steroids!
Thanks joe, but keeping up with someone almost half your age is no small task either. koodos to you!
we also used an actual slamball. it weighed 5 lbs less than the ones the guys used prior, but the slamball doesnt actually bounce, so you have to go down and catch it before it bounces twice for the rep to count.
"12 days 'o' Christmas"
There's no beating Mario, besides maybe physically... But then there's the reprocussions
36: 59 with the 2.5 pood k/b
good wod
had to modify a few things due to the toe, so instead of box jumps, did 18 squats, instead of double unders, did 15 mb cleans, and instead of burpees, did 15 pushups and 10 squats.
time 42:33
excellent workout - thanks adam!
kalsu wod
47 C+J
kalsu-36 cleans @ 95 lbs instead of clean + jerks
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